Minor Prophets (Adults)

Zechariah Chapters 13-14

Lesson written by Kevin Johnson

hapter 13

1. From verse 1, who shall the fountain be for? What will it do?

2. From verse 2, what will the Lord do in that day?

3. What will happen to those who prophesy?

4. What will the prophet claim about his wounds?

5.  How is the Shepherd described by God? What would happen to Him?

6.  What would happen to the nation of Israel after the striking of the Shepherd?

Chapter 14

1. Describe the destruction of Jerusalem.

2. From verses 3-5, how will the Lord bring deliverance?

3. What are verses 8 and 9 prophesying?

4. What plague will strike those who fight against Jerusalem?

5. What will happen to the remnant of the nations which fought against Israel?

6. What will happen to those who refuse to worship God?

7. In verses 20-21, what figures are used to describe the holiness of God’s people?